Wire-free Miniscope v4

The wire-free Miniscope v4 is a battery powered, data logging Miniscope based around the original wired Miniscope v4 project. All code, CAD, and PCB files can be found at https://github.com/Aharoni-Lab/Miniscope-v4-Wire-Free


  • Weight:
  • Size:
  • Field of View:
  • Recording Resolution:
  • Recording Length:
  • Record Triggering:

Overview of System

Workflow of Recording

Extracting Data from SD Card

MCU Firmware Walkthrough

The microcontroller (MCU) used in the Wire-Free Miniscope v4 is an ATSAMD51. It sits between the Python 480 CMOS image sensor and the micro SD Card and handles all on-board control and operation of the Miniscope. The firmware uses a combination of custom written driver and ones imported using ATMEL SMART.